Let’s prepare the backpack to go to an Africa travel!

When you prepare a baggage to go on vacation, you think of light clothes, swimsuits, flip-flops, and sunscreen. But going to an Africa travel requires a little more organization and carry other things in the backpack that will be very useful.

Clothing: we must wear t-shirts, shorts and longs, hats, caps or something to cover our heads, underwear, shoes like boots, that are light and that cover the foot, thick jackets, because at nightfall the temperatures go down, self-drying towels, waterproof, sunglasses, toiletries, toilet paper, antibacterial gel.

Sleeping bag: it is important to always carry it with you since you will have to camp in tents and you will not have a bed to spend the night. Currently, they sell light and inflatable mats, which provide excellent rest and are easy to pack.

Medicines: it is advisable to have a small first aid bag, with serum, treatment for diarrhea, fever, gauze, disinfectants, and scissors. In an Africa, travel a good knife, it does not hurt, it can get us out of any hurry, repellent for insects and a sunscreen to prevent skin damage.

Utensils to eat: it is very useful to bring for an Africa travel, a plate, cutlery and a stainless steel cup or glass since we do not have a restaurant service nearby and we must solve the meal time, a small bag with several cookies, snack type, a bottle of drinking water and a snack to serve as a snack.

Technological accessories: to go to an Africa travel is essential to bring a camera with very good resolution, mobile phones with memories, chargers and enough batteries. Have binoculars that allow you to see the animals from a distance and a battery lamp or flashlight, in case of emergency.

Maps: as a precaution, it is suggested to take a map, a tourist guide of the place or a book that speaks of the area and that serves as an orientation for your location, a notebook, and a pencil to make notes.

Documentation: you will need to have your passport, visas, depending on the country you visit in your Africa travel, vaccination card, driver’s license, traveler’s insurance, airplane tickets and money in legal tender and credit cards, there are countries that they accept payment of tickets and taxes in foreign currency. It is not recommended to keep the documentation in the backpack but take it with you.

As you have seen, this backpack is different from the one you take to the beach or to travel to Europe. So with all these implements stored in your backpack, you’ll be ready to live a close experience with the wild African nature.